Project Details
The project included the construction of a c.5km new road, linking the centre of Kirkintilloch to the M80 to the south. The scheme included the realignment of two watercourses, construction within ecologically-important wetland habitats and extensive mitigation for protected species.
Kirkintilloch, East Dunbartonshire
EnviroCentre Ltd
Land Use Consultants (LUC)
Sensitive Ecological / Environmental Features
Protected wetland
Ancient woodland
Rivers and streams
Water vole (Arvicola terrestris)
Otter (Lutra lutra)
Breeding birds
Invasive species
Ancient woodland
Rivers and streams
Water vole (Arvicola terrestris)
Otter (Lutra lutra)
Breeding birds
Invasive species
ECoW Context
The complexity of the site’s ecological features gave rise to extensive and complicated mitigation measures via an Ecological Impact Assessment. These mitigation measures formed the basis of a Biodiversity and Habitat Management Plan (BHMP). The BHMP set out a detailed series of objectives to help achieve a reduced impact on ecological features during and after construction. During the planning stages, it was determined by East Dunbartonshire Council, and other stakeholders, that the most appropriate means of ensuring delivery of the BHMP was a Planning Condition requiring the presence of an ECoW throughout construction.
ECoW Role
The ECoW team included specialists in ecology, hydrology, noise and air quality. The nature of the role varied by season and construction phase, however the role involved:
Toolbox talks for construction teams
Review of method statements and construction plans
Protection of sensitive areas
Delivery of ecological enhancement plans
Regular protected species surveys
On-site surface water management/pollution prevention advice
On-going community liaison (incl. guided walks and talks to local interest groups)
Toolbox talks for construction teams
Review of method statements and construction plans
Protection of sensitive areas
Delivery of ecological enhancement plans
Regular protected species surveys
On-site surface water management/pollution prevention advice
On-going community liaison (incl. guided walks and talks to local interest groups)